Sunday, March 20, 2011

Kali. Creator & Destroyer

Kali is a Hindu Goddess, and her roots go far back in time. She was first heard of in 400 A.D. She is a creator and a destroyer, she is not one to mess with. Although she is now a Hindu goddess, she predates the Hindu religion. Her origins in Hinduism are from the great goddess Durga-in one legend she springs from Durga's forehead to help her defeat her enemies. She is known as the forceful aspect of the Durga, and appears in legends of battles as a bloodthirsty and ruthless fighter in her destroyer aspect.

However, the other side of destruction is creation, and in her creative aspect Kali is credited with creating the Sanskrit alphabet and painting the symbols which is written on the skulls that hang around her neck. By creating Sanskrit, the forerunner of Indo-European languages, she brings a whole new world of experience into being.

My goddess energy is Kali. After many years of learning about myself, my capabilities and my weaknesses, I have been able to find my inner most goddess. I no longer fear my ability to be and do greatness. I live the way I see fit for myself and those I love. It's interesting that my goddess energy can be misinterpreted as one of evil destruction. I think of it as, it takes a lot of fight to accomplish your goals, you have to learn to either live with yourself, or keep creating better versions of yourself. You can say I am constantly "killing" the versions of myself that I see unhealthy, or needing to grow. Like Kali I am unafraid of the darkness in my nature. I understand how it may come off to others, but I understand that darkness can bring many other things, seeds of life grow in the darkness. Kali is the archetype of the powerful mother, she creates life within her body, but will kill without mercy to protect her young. It's a balance that Kali, and Aphrodite alike, struggle with. Living outside of societies norms, to live out what makes you breath, can sometimes makes other uncomfortable, and at times, I am guilty of not being aware of my power and it's affect on others. 

 In my photo essay I want to have a conversation with the viewer about these balances we face. We are Americans, but have ties to other places and cultures, and still want to stay connected to our Mother Land. Whether we participate in cultural rites, or immerse ourselves in the ever changing cultures of our own community, we always need to harness the part of ourselves that makes us amazing beings with the ability to birth life. It's not always easy, especially with the demands of today's society. We are constantly divided by our financial, race, gender, education, family structure, etc, so we are ever morphing and changing to meet the demands of everyday life. But we still find those moments of peace, tranquility and light. I will recreate those moments, vintage film camera in hand. So come with me on this journey. Meet some of these amazing women, who's goddess energies come from Aphrodite, Diana the Hunter, Demeter, Athena, Hecate, and Kali. You'll meet them here on this blog and get to go on my adventure of bringing the goddess to the concrete jungle.

Make it a great week! Remember to breath and smile often.

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