Sunday, August 28, 2011

Fåshion for Empowerment

I've realized, through blogging, that I enjoy writing. In high school I served on the high school newspaper. My writing was not always published due to content. Now, since having your own blog is free, I write to my heart's content, and EVERYTHING gets published. 

I recently made it to the second round of Lucky's Lifestyle Contributor contest. Please check out  my submission and vote for me! I appreciate all the support I receive from my readers and If I can reach 25+ votes, I will post a photo from my recent photo shoot. Not an eye-teaser either...a full image photo. Think cornstalks and pachuca.

Till next time, go out side and enjoy nature!
One of the photos from the photo shoot for the Lucky article. My boo took them!

Chubbz, our English Bulldog, got in on the action, too!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Starting your own business

I've had many jobs. I've worked since I was 14 and each job I got was a step towards making more money and having more skills. I've worked at Sanrio (Hello Kitty), Jiffy Lube, as a telephone operator, data entry, sandwich maker, secretary, sales assistant...the list goes on. After many long years of working for others, and then meeting my partner in life and business, I realized that I didn't have to work for others. I could work for myself, doing what I enjoy! 
A photo I took for Eternia's last mixtape ablum. This is me doing one of the things I love...taking photos!
I believe that small business will help save our country. Every business started out as an idea, and then grew into something bigger. Apple, McDonalds, Obey, all started out as an idea, and, with the help of others, initiative and funding, created a worldwide known business (not to mention mucho dinero). 
When we first started Divine Orchid, we had a different name, and we started out doing custom dresses. Here is a photo from our first fashion show!

Everyone has the ability to have their own business, but it takes hard work, dedication and creativity. Don't worry about the "bad" economy. It's only bad for those who do not know how to create something out of nothing. Think outside the box and be positive about your situation. (Don't let those voices in your head, talk you out of it!)

First things, first. Do you have a business idea? Big or small, an idea takes time to flourish. Ladies, a great place to start is Woman's Initiative

Woman's Initiative Refresh & Renew Event.
Graduate Leadership Council 09-10

"Women's Initiative for Self Employment is a Bay Area non-profit which provides high-potential, lower-income women the training, resources and on-going support to start and grow their business. The business management training, technical assistance, and financial services we provide — in English and Spanish — improve the quality of life for the women we serve, their families and our communities." 

I am an alumni of the program. I was apart of the first English speaking class in San Jose. Now they have their own building and a long list of woman entrepreneurs! The program consists of two classes a week (3 hours a day) for 11 weeks. It also includes homework and it's only $100! This class is a great introduction to help you think and begin to start your own business. It will give you basic knowledge of the laws, marketing and putting together a business plan (which is needed to graduate from the program). But it doesn't stop there. They also offer continued training and connect events, which introduce you to other woman entrepreneurs in the area that have successful businesses, or help run them. 

Now is the time. Every great life move takes sacrifice. Excuses will always be there. Take a chance, believe in yourself and good things will come. Here is a small list of woman who took the chance and Woman's Initiative helped them along the way:

Nica Celly: one of my favorite local designers. 
Wholesome Hounds: tasty treats for the dogs we love!
Positive Diana: empowering women through workshops and self growth (find her on Facebook!)
The Auxiliary Group: Personal Assistant and Concierge 

California Solar Screens: Solar Screen Company
Happy Girl Kitchen: Organic foods and workshops

Till next time, do one things that scares you a day!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Going for Tea

Golden Gate Bridge. View from Golden Gate Park. By: H. Ehrlich

One of the many things I love about doing art is that it's like meditation. When I am focused in on the art I am doing, I am calm, enjoying myself and free. I am only restricted by my own fears and insecurities. When I rise to the occasions, and not allow those things to get in my way, my artwork thrives, shoot, I thrive. In business it's the same way. When I do not allow my fear of achieving my goals get the best of me, I kick ass. I also am learning to become a better sales person, which means I have to let go of my insecurities of not being the stereotypical salesman. I have to learn to either be okay with my random awkward moments, or stop them from happening (which tend to happen when I'm nervous). I have to believe in my ability to sell my product or service, because it's okay to be assertive about what your passionate about. It's a daily struggle.

Lily Pads. Taken by my man's 6 year old sister!

I have my days, even moments,  where I don't feel like trying. It's so much easier to deal with things with aggression (aka anger). Any day I am subject to my anger. It sometimes permeates within me, and I react without "thinking". I am constantly trying to get it under control. To tell you honesty, it is my greatest weakness. I'm still trying to figure out how to tame it. 

Monterey Bay Aquarium. by: H. Ehrlich

When thinking about what to write for the blog, I thought about a conversation I had with a fellow woman in business. She said she was having a tough week, but realized it was all for her growth in the end. We both have similar focus' in different fields. We believe in the empowerment of women. She decided to create a workshop to discuss what one of her struggles is. She said it best when she said, it feels good to be vulnerable with people whom you trust and share a mutual experience. In that idea, I thought I'd write, briefly, about what one of my struggles is. I often feel ashamed and frustrated with myself for my anger. I realize that it's going to take some ganas and swallowing of pride, to help me tame the monster.
It's an evolution of self  By: H. Ehrlich

Till next week, tame your own monster, then take it out for tea.