My man and I are in the process of opening up an urban boutique and muralist supply spot, here in San Jose. The art space is currently a "graffiti yard", and we've been having artists from all over the Bay roll through and bless our walls. It's an amazing process. I've been photographing the space since we first moved in. It's good for the soul to see a beautiful piece of artwork up, then painted over, and another, equally beautiful piece, to replace it. It's a good practice in letting go and allowing other good things come into your life. Our new space, named "The Tracks", is a testament to that. It's us letting go (we decided I would quit my teaching job and work full-time on the business), and allowing this to come into our life. The last day of my job, we got the keys to The Tracks!
The keys! |
The entrance. |
We have a loft! My office will be up there. SWEET. |
Quitting my job allowed me to relax on a level where I have extra energy to spare. I have more time to devote to my photo essay, and do art that I've been meaning to get to. It also means I make more connects with people and family. It's been a blessings. It's also been very liberating and eye opening. It's the reminder that, I have the power to achieve greatness. Understanding and harnessing that energy is very powerful, it's almost overwhelming. But, it has enabled me to find the best part of me, in me, everyday.
Close up of a piece at The Tracks. By Carlos Rodriguez |
I think back to times when I was not feeling so empowered, and it's great to validate me. I have to always be in the process of evolving and being aware of my space in the world. That is what much of my photo essay is about. Women taking a moment to validate themselves in the present while acknowledging the past. Our pasts, dictate who we are now (positive or negative), and it's up to use to use that knowledge, that experience, into something positive. I was reminded of this at my last Goddess meeting. It was a reminder about people's resilience to overcome any obstacles, and, more so, how many of us share these obstacles, these tests, that make us who we are today. The woman that I've spoken to, all have something in common besides their sex, they are being the woman they've always wanted to be.
A piece at The Tracks that is no longer there. By Carlos Rodriguez |
I am excited for the upcoming photo shoots and opening of The Tracks. Stay tuned, cause ya'll are invited to the opening!
You got the FIRST online sneak peak. I take care of ya'll! |
Till next time, smile often and breath deeply. <3
LOVED THIS. You are amazing