Sunday, September 29, 2013

Photo Essay Continued...

Here we are, a year or so, after starting my photo essay on Multicultural Women in the Bay Area. I just re-read my first entry about it...and, well, I was not impressed. I realized I needed to re-evaluate and re-write that entry and move forward! (side on the links! It will take you to the parts of my blog that will expand more on what I am speaking about)

This photo essay, like many things in life, has taken on a mind of it's own! To re-cap, for those of you new to what I am speaking of; the goal of the photo essay is to capture women in their Goddess essence, while being apart of everyday American lifestyle. I will do this by creating connections with our personal Goddess and cultures, to reveal the complexity of our cross-culture experiences and how reconnecting to our ancestors' rituals we can connect with our high selves. I will paint with film. If women were/are interested, I had them answer the following questions, and take the survey:

1. How do you stay connected to your heritage?
2. Tell me six words that describe you.
3. Take this survey, look under the notes tab.

As I sitting here thinking about the essay, I realized that I am surrounded by many Kali's.  So, do I make the essay about Kali and her place in American Society? Or do I just take more photos? Take more photos, of course! But I must also realize that something in our American Society creates more Kali's than Aphrodite's or Hecates.

Kali. Hindu Goddess. Creator & Destroyer.
 If you're interested, or want more information, please email me (! I am looking for a few more Goddess to be apart of my essay. I will have my FIRST solo show next year, exhibiting these photos.

Remember to honor your Goddess everyday!

Monday, August 19, 2013

The New Mama

We recently became parents. We are now blessed with a baby girl, Gabriella. She has pushed us even harder on our creative grind, making sure we have what we need and then some. She has reminded me that my art, our art, is such a big part of our lives. I need to do more than just think about it, but create on a more regular basis. I can come up with all types of excuses why I haven't. Although, some of them are valid, such as recovering after giving birth, but now that I have, and now have a good schedule, it's time! I think I may start with Gaby's baby book, which is still sitting in the closet half finished.

We all have passions that we often push to the side. To truly be fulfilled I believe people need to indulge in their passions, at least once a day, in any little way possible. It may sound crazy, but by keeping a neat and (somewhat) organized home, I am able to feel more creative. By organizing the clutter and keeping a neat space, you allow that energy to flow. Not to mention you have space to do whatever your passion is. And, if you're like us and make part of your living with your passion, intertwine your social marketing into your daily routine. It will force you to think and do about your passion and your own creative grind.

I really enjoy blogging, and when I don't blog for awhile, I think about it often. So to feed my writing appetite, I do a monthly newsletter for our creative services company, New Edge. Not only do I get to do a blog style writing, but it promotes our business as well.

So I dare you, to do one thing a day that you're passionate about, even if it's for 10 minutes. It will help you feel rejuvenated and enjoy life more. Life's too short to not do what you love!
Say hello to Baby Gabriella!