Monday, July 9, 2012

The Creative Grind

I recently opened a new etsy shop. Cali Girl Creations. I really wanted to be able to sell something that I am passionate about and can have fun with. It would also help if it didn't cost me monetarily. So I thought about it for a couple weeks before I took any steps in creating the store. We just moved and I realized I have A LOT of stuff. More than I needed to hang onto. Then it hit me...create an etsy store specializing in vintage cameras and other vintage/kitschy items. And the store was born!

It doesn't seem like work when you're doing something you enjoy. Part of being an entreprenuer is being creative how you make money. No one likes to struggle and it's hard going through the day doing something that makes you miserable. So you have to find a balance. In addition to our businesses (New Edge Creative Services, The Tracks, Reyes Muertos Klothing...), I also teach middle school art. It's a job I enjoy and it allows us to push the businesses further, because of the "extra income". I put extra income in quotations, because what that means is we put a large portion of what we make back into our businesses. It takes money to make money. We make a lot of sacrifices to make what we do possible. Like anything worth doing, it takes a lot of hard work and discipline. We make coffee at home, limit how often we go out to eat (and out on the town), and many other little things that make a big difference. What would you do to live your dream?
One of my first painted canvas'!
I love being able to take off in the middle of the week, and work all day on Saturday. I like to be able to have control of my life, and not live by other people's rules. To the hell with rules. To live by what makes your soul sing, using life experience to make the right choices, and having a healthy and supportive business/life partner makes the daily grind that much more magical.
Our four legged son, Chubbz. :)
It only takes one step at a time to get a business off the ground. Use your talents, resources and know how to make it happen. You can start small, test it out, find out what works with your friends and family, and never give up!

Till  next time. Face a fear and live in the moment!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Learning, Living, Growing

The blogs I have been writing off and on for the last couple of years have been a blessings to me. It enables me to express what I go through as an entrepreneur. It has not been easy.

Even though things can be ruff, their is beauty in everything, everywhere.

I have been (trying) to reflect on the last six months of 2012. We just moved, and it was a difficult move, both emotionally and physically. It drained me weeks before it even happened. It started me thinking about...well everything. And, I can't lie, this year has been rough. Being a successful entrepreneur, and not just in the monetary sense, takes a lot of self reflection and growth. When I was younger, I loved change and reflection. I realized the older I get, the harder it is to let go of those things that would help me grow. My own bullshit gets in the way of progress/reflection. It's hard to create new patterns of being, when the old ways no longer work, and you know they don't. It's kind of like this process I'm going through of getting rid of things that don't fit in our new place. It's been a task of letting go.

When I speak of my experiences here, and how I deal (dealt) with them, it comes from a real place. I am constantly taking my own advise, and seeking guidance from my partner in life and business. Making sacrifices is always apart of the daily struggle and together we make it work.

It's hard work to keep a positive outlook when sometimes things look bleak, or you're feeling defeated. But then those small moments of clarity come, and it rejuvenates me. It gives me hope, even if for a short while. Giving up is never an option, but sometimes, I do want to hide under a rock. Then, I realize that everything will still be there, once I'm out from below my rock. How does one deal with oneself and everything around her? Sadly, I've fallen off that wagon. What works best for me is exercise and a healthy diet. Today, I dedicated myself to that change. When I eat healthy (less red meat, more fruits and veggies, and no complex sugars), and exercise, my mind, body and soul feel better. I am able to communicate better, as well as feel good about myself. Anything worth doing is going to be hard, so grin and bear it. My mantra. Praying, meditation and quiet time, also do the trick. And I often "don't have time" to do those things, but it's an important part of my being to find my inner peace everyday. 

One of my "happy places" is doing photography

If you get anything from my blogs, I hope it's inspiration. Know that you are not alone in your struggles. Whether you're an entrepreneur, 9-5-er, stay at home parent, or student, we all have the same struggles in one form or another. It's important for us to be compassionate, loving and honest to ourselves and those around us. 

Till next time, do something loving for yourself.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Spring Time Writing Revial

I often sit and think about what I want to write about. I daydream about insightful posts that inspire and motivate those who read it. The only problem is making time to do so. So today is that day!

Paz (peace)
 I began my blogging career with SF Etsy a couple years ago. I was (am) The Savvy Entrepreneur. I would blog about my adventures as an entrepreneur, speaking more on the social-emotional aspect and my learning's on the way. I'm happy to say the blog is still going strong, without me. Sadly, sometimes things get pushed to the side, even though I enjoyed what I was doing. 

Blogging re-inspired my love of writing. It allowed me to express what I was going through to folks who understood or needed guidance. Being an entrepreneur is no easy task. It takes ganas, or the desire to achieve your highest potential. I wrote about this in one of my first posts for SF Etsy. I always spoke my truths and offered eye candy to entice the readers further.

Eye candy. Artwork in progress
Take a moment, and read this blog, which was written about two years ago to the date, and reflect on your stamp in the world. Whether you're doing art, customer service, community work, etc, you are making an impression on the world. If we can collectively do good in a time of greed, dishonesty and financial turmoil, we can help create a better world for the youth to come.

The Savvy Entrepreneur <--Click to read.

Till next time, hug a loved one.

Friday, January 27, 2012

New Beginings

I look back at the last 5 years of my life and I can't help but be proud of my accomplishments. Although at times life was/is hard, and giving up sometimes crossed my mind, I am always reminded that it's the little things that keep me going. The embrace from my man, the wet kisses from our bulldog, the unique and delicious coffee from Barefoot (that I drink as I type), the smiles and support from our families and realizing that life is beautiful. Having our own business has allowed us to do what we love and make a living off of it.

Chubbz, our English Bulldog.

Teaching art is still apart of my daily hustle, even though I tried to quit. After a school year of full-time teaching, with not being properly supported by my superior, and giving up part of my own life, I decided it was not worth the stress or the sacrifices. We decided that we'd focus full-time on our bussinesses. Our studio space came to us the very last day of work. The keys in hand, we started a new journey. Full of art and, of course, sacrifice, we pushed for the dream. As the school year started up again, I was asked to come back for one day a week (four hours). As a working artist, every little bit helps. So I was happy to be able to go back into the classroom. It gave me a sense of purpose, and allowed me to still feel the joy of teaching. As it turned out, I was needed more often. Taking over the position of art teacher, once again, but part time (four days a week), was my destiny.

My students do some of the most amazing artwork. I like to think I inspire some of that!

Learning to go with the flow and accept your destiny (speaking in the most positive terms), is an important part of being happy. If I was unable to accept that teaching is apart of who I am, just as owning our own business, and being successful is apart of our destiny, I would not be able to find that space that allows me to feel free.

Photography makes me feel free, especially when I'm using a film camera featuring one of my favorite characters!

What do you do that allows you to be free? Do it today. Don't waste time. Life is short. Love yourself, so that you can love others. Till next time.